image of me in real life image of me in real life 2
the thing

WELCOMe to my AWSOME site!!!

a miscellaneous site by celery

my little isopod friend threnodic twinkle twinkle jov ΘΔ WOOF WOOF ΔΘ OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK creative trans rights, baby! dream world! im a great cool lesbian artist I LOVE MY FRIENDS! this user is trains awooo! :3 AUTIST DOG THERIANTHROPE DYKES ONLY!!! bluey I'M NOT HUMAN IT/YIP/WOOF PRNS establishing connection... head empty pupgender pride IM FUCKING DERANGED ROBOTKIN hello 2003! my little isopod friend

I don't really have a name yet (transgender name struggles :'<) so just call me celery (or selleri/sellers if you're finnish) for the time being. I'm a lesbian, agender, multigender, pupgender, demiaroace and wtfromantic (wow what a list!!!!!!!!!!) and my pronouns are yip/it/woof. Other core parts of my identity include that I am an artist, finnish, a furry (+brony?), therian and otherkin and overall just a sillyfunny guy :D. Anyways, I hope we can be friends!!!!! meow meow woof
Currently my hobbies consist of drawing and gaming, occasionally coding/website building, which as you see I'm not very good at. I've been meaning to start making rave music, but have yet to find any affordable beginner friendly software. I'd also like to make a game or a few more if I get into it :^). I work a part time job and I do take commissions. Hit me up on discord or insta (on both my username is realcelery) to commission me!!!! or just fill out the google forms found in my commissions carrd linked at the bottom middle part of this page!!!
As the title suggests, this site is kind of miscellaneous. I'm not really sure what to do with it, but right now it's just well. erm. idk. homesite and info about me and my stuff. I'll most likely keep updating it to weed out outdated stuff but not much more than that (website building makes me want to explode). Maybe I'll link some stuff on here. maybe I won't. who knows ;3. Also huge thanks to stitch for helping with code (mostly css) as I am a beginner. check out their site!!!
HI!!!!!! im planning to revamp this site! I've made some concept art of how I'd want it to look. I know how bad I am with big projects so I feel like it might not be ever completed.... but lets hope for the best!!!!!!! I haven't started coding it yet but hope to get the concepts ready so I can start soon. About the last post, I put in the appeal! now just waiting what they will reply. I'm keeping my expectations low, I don't think they'll accept it. But we'll see,,.,,... I'm also going to a convention next month, yay! tampere kuplii! hope to see you all there :3
Omg guess what... government doesn't think Im disabled enough to receive financial support :D They say you don't need a diagnosis to get it, but just need to show that you do need the help.... I met all the criteria for it but they still denied it because I don't have a diagnosis yet. wtf. that goes against what they themselves said. Oh well. I'll put in an appeal and if that doesn't work, then wait for the diagnosis and apply again :') doesn't help that we currently have an almost fascist government... not a great time to be a minority in more than one sense lol. Just hanging on by doing comms while I wait for the financial support request to go through, so if you can, consider commissioning me! Ofc you don't have to if you don't like my art, but every commission is appreciated rn!! thank you to everyone that commissions me <3 Also I made a trello to track owed art progress and to make an actual queue! it's now linked to the middle. If I owe you art and you're not on there, reach out and I'll add you in!
Can you believe it guys? Christmas, just a week away! Christmas is in a week! Woo-hoo! I am so happy about this information. Christmas, just a week away. Oh, wow! Can you believe it? Christmas, just in a week! It got here so fast. Christmas, just a- Anyways...I've been okay. I'm about to finally get financial support from the government as I will soon be recognized as having autism and adhd <3 Only took like what, 3 years? god. I hope to get meds as soon as the diagnosis comes,, I can't wait for life to be easier. yay!!!!!! also, I made a spacehey profile! I've linked it to the middle x3
I'm VERY bad at updating this frequently,, but errmm...... today I got a new drawing tablet, Wacom One small, it's the same one i had before but my old one was working shittily. I've also been getting inspiration to try producing again, it's very silly. I need to PIRATE!!!!!!!!! software. im crazy i know
monthly silly update...... haven't been doing much, preparing for artfight trying to get out of a depression slump. con was awesome, bought a lot of pins and stickers and saw a friend. summer is killing me, these temperatures are too much x_x I'm melting into a puddle.......
agh, I've been feeling awful lately. I have a million commissions to finish but I'll power through. Luckily there's a con coming up that I'm going to visit with friends!!! hopefully it'll cheer me up :)!!!!!!!!!
I'm trying to get a driver's license again...... I already failed the written test like 3 times (and each try costs 40 euros... so that's 120 euros down the drain >.<) but now I'm studying with friends so I might make it!!!!!!! maybe. wish me luck :3